Meet Camden

   As you know, my name is Camden. I'm the creator of Camden's Community. There's so much detail I can go into regarding my life, however, I don't think you would want me to trudge on through all my goals, inspirations, defining moments, and on and on and on. Therefore, I'll just cover how I started my online presence and how I started doing the things I do today.
C@t Adventures
   In 2011, I began my first blog. It was named C@t Adventures, based on my enthusiastic attitude for cats. To be honest, the blog was shoddy. It didn't necessarily revolve around a theme or consistent standard. I would post literally about any kind of topic that interested me. Cats, new movies, books, funny internet memes, etc. It was pretty cringeworthy.
   However, while running my second grade monstrosity, I became quite involved in story telling. I made, what I refereed to at the time as, animations following the adventures of personified cats, ninjas, and super powered teenagers. They were embarrassing as well, but were an important step in my journey to become a writer.
   The blog lasted until 2015. Unless you count my failed revival attempt in late 2016. As I matured, I started to realize how unorganized and unprofessional the site was. I decided I was to abandon it.
Starting YouTube
   I created my YouTube channel in 2011 to coexist with my C@t Adventures, blog. It was designed to hold my so called, "animations," that I could upload into blog posts. Other than that, it really wasn't used for anything. Until 2014, however, when I uploaded my first Minecraft video.
   I hadn't really planned to make Minecraft videos that much. I just wanted to see what it would be like to make content similar to Stampylongnose or iBallisticSquid. I started doing more over time. Eventually recording my friends and I playing Hunger Games and Skywars. Finally the obsession had set in. I started my first let's play series, and then moved on to Minecats. For about a year my channel was strictly Minecraft videos, but now I've branched out to other games as well as vlogs.
   Camden's Community, which wasn't the channel name until March of 2015, remained undiscovered for virtually forever. Though nobody watched them, I kept high spirits and continued my passion of creating videos. My sub didn't really grow at all until the debut of my Warriors Cats BlogClan Roleplay series in 2016. It attracted a large number of Warriors fans to my channel, who still dominate my main audience today. Seeing that people liked roleplays on my channel, I started my casual Minecraft Roleplay series which proved to be popular as well. Now my channel is heading in the direction of posting mainly roleplays, and the route I'm taking is approved by viewers.
Today's Me
   Now that I'm in high school, I have to think over my life later down the road. As much as ambitious kids may think, YouTube is not a very substantial career. I've always wanted to become an author, and I still plan to be, and that's one reason to have started this blog. I hope it will encourage me to write more, and work on my literary skills. This is also the reason I began to shift my YouTube videos in the roleplay/storytelling direction.
   In addition to writing, I want to grow my ability to draw. I love art, and I've improved tremendously over the years thanks to self teaching myself, but I still need improvement. Maybe later down the road I can sell art, or open commissions for work.
   Out of all my goals and aspirations, my biggest is to spread my faith. Just a few years ago I was lucky enough to have found God and accept Him as my lord and savior. Ever since, I've felt extremely confident and happy. I know He's always with me, and that I can put my faith in Him at any time and place. I want to help others' reach the status I'm at now by praising His greatness in my work, and reflect my faith in whatever I do.
   This is me now. I know within just a few years I'll have changed and will need to rewrite this whole page, and I'm fine with that. My hope, though, is that my same values and knowledge will stick with me over time, and that they'll be all the more apparent in the future.
Check Out Camden's Feature Video Below
